Those amongst you who already have suffered a hole in your wallet by downloading the latest iPhone applications should now get smarter. It is better to analyse and review these apps before spending your precious pennies on them. There is no bench mark to decide the best iPhone application design so far, because it solely depends on your taste and requirements as to what kind of apps suits you the best.
However, the best looking application designs so far are many, depending on the popularity and functions which have been able to make a mark with the iPhone users. Video games like Super Monkey Ball is one of the most sough after apps, thanks to its smoothness, levels and overall gaming fun. Then there are Fresh apps, which can not only be bought but also developed by any budding developer. PhoneAppPodcast can also be rated as one of the best designed iPhone apps so far. Then there is MacWorld which gives you the most in-depth reviews about the apps that you become wiser. The internet / Mobile search app has also got positive reviews from the users as it is a way better than the other internet applications on mobile phones. Then there are apps for weather updates which are equally useful. The idea is to keep exploring and you will have the best apps for your iPhone. From the blog
Tags: Best designed iPhone apps, Best iPhone application design, Best looking application designs
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